Latest policy decisions of community interest

Published on 18 June 2021


Did you know Campaspe Shire Council has more than 70 policies?

Campaspe Mayor Cr Chrissy Weller said while many relate to Council operations, others provide guidance to Council officers and members of the public on a range of matters such as placing goods on nature strips, street trees, waste, signage and a myriad of others.

“Policy development is one of Council’s most important responsibilities and is essential to the day-to-day running of the organisation and the community,” Cr Weller said.

“Polices help Council to provide consistent advice, reduce risk and apply the rules fairly and equitably to everyone.

“They also help us use resources effectively and efficiently, maintain facilities and assets to set standards, and ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our community.

“All of Council’s policies can be read online via our website and customer service centres, and Council staff are always happy to answer questions or point you in the right direction.”

Policies reviewed and adopted at the June Council meeting are detailed below.

Policy 130: Developer Contributions to Works

This policy provides guidance to developers and Council officers when determining the extent to which a developer should provide, or contribute towards, the cost of works to appropriately service their residential/industrial development. The policy recognises that Council will ensure that current local residents do not bear the costs of infrastructure needed to support any new development.

Policy 53: Direction Signs - Community Facilities and Tourist Facilities

This policy details the criteria applied to directional signage for community and tourist facilities, including standards, number permitted, costs, maintenance and removal. This policy recognises that Council promotes signage for community benefit, tourism, economic development and wayfinding purposes, and will ensure that the number, size, colour, and location of signs do not interfere with road safety.

Policy 185: Signage Policy Council Facilities

This policy details criteria and standards to be applied to all site and street signage (including advertising and banners) for Council’s managed property and buildings. All signs installed must be of a professional standard and complement Council’s branding guidelines.

The policy is of particular relevance to user groups of Council facilities that wish to install signage pertaining to user information and/or sponsorship acknowledgement.

Policy 108: Trees, Plantings and Garden Beds in Campaspe

This policy establishes criteria to facilitate new, replacement or removal of trees, plantings and garden beds within the municipality. The policy recognises that trees, plantings and garden beds are valuable community assets that positively impact the amenity and wellbeing of the Campaspe community.

Policy 63: Memorials Policy

This policy provides guiding principles for the installation of memorials on land or property, owned or managed by Council. The policy recognises that memorials can enrich public spaces and are important to the people concerned. However, memorials need to be carefully considered to ensure that they do not negatively impact on these spaces.

Policy 145: Model Litigant Policy

This policy complies with the Civil Procedure Act and the Model Litigant principle to ensure that the highest standards of propriety and ethics are met when dealing with matters involving members of the public before and during litigation proceedings. The policy outlines how Council will act in such circumstances.

To view these and all other Council policies, visit