Access & inclusion

Council's Access and Inclusion Strategy(PDF, 7MB) sets out our commitment to equal participation and inclusion. The strategy identifies nine 'communities of priority' to be the focus of future actions.

Communities of priority

The strategy outlines Council's:

  • Vision;

  • The outcomes we want to achieve;

  • Four strategies; and

  • Actions, specific day to day actions to implement.

Council is working towards building better communities, where all people feel safe and welcome to participate as valued citizens, making communities more inclusive. 

As part of Council's commitment to this process, we are seeking expressions of interest from community members who would like to be involved in a Diversity and Inclusion Reference Group. The Terms of Reference for the group can be downloaded here.(PDF, 359KB)

If you would like to be involved, please complete and submit the Expression of Interest form, available here.

For further information on Council's Access and Inclusion Strategy or the Diversity and Inclusion Reference Group, speak with our Manager Community Partnerships on1300 666 535.

Changing Places Facility

Echuca has a modern changing places facility available for use, located in the High Street carpark.

The facility is more than an accessible toilet and has been built to a set of guidelines and specifications which ensures it has all the necessary features to comfortably change an adult. This includes enough space for two carers, height adjustable change tables, a tracking hoist system, shower and toilet, in a safe and clean environment.

Click below to watch a video tour. 

You can apply for an 24/7 access key (MLAK key) using this application form(PDF, 635KB) and submitting to the National Support Office.

Disability parking permits

 View our disabled parking permit page to find out eligibility for a permit.