Council meeting pieces - 18 April 2023

Published on 19 April 2023

Councillors 2020

Recalibration of Echuca Moama Torrumbarry Flood Study

Council has endorsed the recalibration of the draft Echuca Moama Torrumbarry Flood Study to incorporate data from the October 2022 flood event. Started in 2018, the draft study is a joint project between Campaspe Shire and Murray River Councils, in conjunction with the Victorian North Central Catchment Management Authority, Department of Environment Energy and Climate Action, and NSW Department of Planning and Environment. The draft study was scheduled for community consultation last October; however, this was deferred when the flood occurred.

The draft study was based on data from the 1993 flood event, the last time that the Murray, Campaspe and Goulburn rivers’ flooding coincided. Recalibration of the draft study will enable potential future flood mitigation measures, warning systems and triggers to be developed based on the latest information. It will also improve flood modelling in areas associated with the lower Goulburn River levee system affecting Echuca Village and northeast of Moama.

Governance Rules updated

Council has adopted revised Governance Rules containing several amendments following a review of the Rules (including the Election Period Policy) by Council officers. Changes include a requirement for public questions to be received no later than 12noon on the day before the Council Meeting and that petitions received more than three days before a Council Meeting will be tabled at the next available Council Meeting (where the order of business allows).

Event sponsorships and grants for community events and equipment

Five community organisations received financial support for their events under Campaspe Shire Council’s Community Events Sponsorship, Community Equipment Grants and Responsive Grant Programs.

Rochester Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. was granted $1,000 cash and additional support to the value of $795 (waste and traffic management) to assist with hosting the Rochester Easter Twilight Market held on 6 April 2023.

The Gunbower & District Development Group Inc. was granted $1,000 towards the cost of hosting a Gunbower Community Night Out held on 14 April, and the Stanhope RSL Sub-Branch were funded $1,000 towards the cost to host the official opening of the Montevideo Maru Mural held on 15 April under the Responsive Grants Program.

Council’s Community Equipment Grants program had two recipients which were the Echuca Bowls Club Inc. who was awarded $1,767 to purchase lawn bowls for young people and women to encourage participation in the sport. Nanneella Community Incorporated was awarded $2,000 towards the purchase of a refrigerator for the Nanneella Hall.