Privacy statement
This information about privacy applies to the Campaspe Shire website. It supports Council’s policy – Privacy and Data Collection(PDF, 614KB) .
Other websites
The website privacy statement does not apply to websites ours may be linked to. However, we do not link knowingly to sites that are privacy-invasive. When you link to another site, we recommend you read the privacy statement of that site to familiarise yourself with its privacy policy.
Anonymous access to our site
You can access the Campaspe Shire Council and browse our website anonymously, without disclosing your personal information.
Collection and use of personal data
The Campaspe Shire website does not collect or record personal information, other than information you choose to provide. Online services may collect personal information as and when they occur (please note: online services are a secure transaction).
Campaspe Shire staff use personal information collected from email, online surveys and other online services to respond to individuals and discuss their particular enquiries.
Access and Correction
Requests for access to documents containing personal information and held by the Campaspe Shire Council are handled under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Please refer to the Freedom of Information page on this website.
We will not disclose personal information to a third party without your consent, unless required by law or other regulation. If there is an investigation into suspected unlawful or improper activity, a law enforcement or government agency may exercise its legal authority to inspect the web server's records (eg in relation to hacking or abusive messages).
Collection and use of site visit data
The following non-personal information (ie clickstream data) is automatically recorded by this site's web server for statistical and system administration purposes only:
- your server address
- your top level domain name (eg. .com, .au, .gov)
- the date and time you visited the site
- the pages you accessed and downloaded
- the address of the last site you visited
- your operating system
- the type of browser you are using.
The Campaspe Shire will not use this information to try to identify individuals from the records the server automatically generates unless required to by law or regulation.
Security of your personal data
All Councillors, staff and contractors of the Campaspe Shire Council have a statutory duty to deal with your personal information confidentially.
The Campaspe Shire website uses secure transmission facilities when appropriate. However, there are risks in transmitting information across the internet. If you are concerned about conveying sensitive material to the Campaspe Shire over the internet, you might prefer to contact us.
Telephone: 5481 2200 / 1300 666 535
Mail: PO Box 35, Echuca 3564