High temperatures are predicted over the coming days. Stay informed and find out about how to prepare for extreme heat.
If you are wanting to make changes to land, you are encouraged to discuss your plans with our Planning Team. Planning enquiries can be made by phone or in person (by appointment only) by calling 1300 666 535.
The Planning team provides written advice in relation to proposals or permit information. These requests should be made online at link. There may be a charge for written advice and if applicable, you will be advised.
Information about the process, including how to apply, object, appeal, or make changes to a planning permit
Planning forms, fees, information sheets & resources
View planning applications that are active and on public notification
Depending on the type of planning permit you want, you may be able to get it within 10 days
How to access our online register to check on current or completed planning applications
Under the Heritage Policy, if you want to make changes to a place that contributes to a heritage area's significance, you may need a permit first
How council staff follow through complaints for planning, building, environmental health and local laws
A planning permit may be needed for irrigation and drainage works on your farm, or to carry out earthworks
To remove native vegetation, including trees, shrubs or grasses, you may need a planning permit
Information about the subdivision process
A list of documents associated with planning