Stock on roads

Stock on roads

Primary producers are an important part of our local economy. There are specific rules about livestock and the use of public roads, which are explained here. 

Most of the time, livestock graze in fenced paddocks but occasionally they may need to be moved to graze on roadsides. When livestock is being moved across a public road, farmers should follow Council's local law:

  • All livestock must be effectively under control at all times when they’re being moved across and along the road.
  • Signs which meet to VicRoads’ guidelines must be in place while livestock are being moved and removed immediately after.
  • You can only move livestock across or along a public road during daylight.
  • Any livestock deposits on any road or pavement which could cause a hazard to other road users must be removed as soon as possible.
  • Grazing of Livestock and Driving of Livestock permits are available for 6-12 months from Campaspe Shire Council at no charge. Conditions apply. 

You can pick up a permit from a customer service centre, or download the Livestock grazing permit application(PDF, 198KB) or the Livestock crossing permit application(PDF, 56KB) .

To report stock on roads, please call 1300 666 535, or after hours, call 1300 666 535 and follow the prompts.