Contesting a parking fine
If you have received a parking fine and you believe you should not have received an infringement, you can apply for an internal review.
If purchasing a ticket - it is your responsibility to display it correctly. Fines will be issued for tickets that are not displayed correctly, on the car's dashboard, with date and time visible.
If using PayStay - it is your responsibility to use the correct vehicle registration details.
When a parking fine is issued, a photo is taken of the vehicle, indicating the time, date, and dashboard, to support any review process.
How to apply for a review
An internal review can be requested up until it is lodged with Fines Victoria for collection. Note that if not paid by the due date on the infringement, fees will be incurred. You can apply for a review of your infringement by completing an(DOCX, 41KB)Application for internal review(DOCX, 41KB) .
The request will be reviewed against the Internal Review Guidelines prescribed by the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
Grounds for appeal
Exceptional Circumstances
Please provide details of the exceptional circumstances (where you have committed the offence due to unforeseen or unpreventable circumstances, eg. medical emergencies). For more information about exceptional circumstances, visit the Fines Victoria website.
Contrary to Law
Please provide the reasons why you consider the decision to issue you with an infringement was unlawful (eg. the infringement was not valid).
Special Circumstances
Special circumstances include:
- a mental or intellectual disability, disorder, disease or illness
- a serious addiction to drugs, alcohol or volatile substance
- homelessness
- long term condition/circumstances making it impracticable to deal with the fine, or
- family violence within the meaning of the Family Violence Protection Act 2008.
You must provide evidence (eg. letter, report, statement) from one of the following parties to support your application.
- a case worker, case manager or social worker
- a general practitioner, psychiatrist or psychologist, or
- an accredited drug treatment agency.
Evidence (eg. letter, statement or a report) from a practitioner or case worker should include the following information:
- the practitioner/case worker’s qualification and relationship with you, including the period of engagement
- the nature, severity and duration of your condition or your circumstances:
a) whether you were suffering from the relevant condition or circumstances at the time the offence was committed, and
b) whether, in the opinion of the practitioner/case worker, there is a connection between your condition/ circumstances and your inability to understand or control the conduct constituting the offence.
The practitioner or agency report must show that because of your condition/circumstances you could not understand or control your conduct constituting the offence. For more information, visit Fines Victoria.
Mistaken Identity
Please provide an explanation of why you rely on the ground of mistake of identity (including evidence e.g. copy of your driver’s licence, in support). For more information, visit the Fines Victoria website.
Person Unaware of Fine
An application made on the ground of ‘person unaware’ must:
- be made within 14 days of you becoming aware of the infringement notice (You may evidence the date that you became aware of the infringement notice by executing a statutory declaration)
- state the grounds on which the decision should be reviewed, and
- provide your current address for service. For more information, visit the Fines Victoria website.
The review process
Every case is considered on its merits.
An internal review can only take place if the infringement has not already been forwarded to Fines Victoria.
Most reviews are completed within 14 days, however the Infringements Act allows up to 90 days or longer if additional information is required. To avoid potential delays please check your infringement notice to confirm that it was issued by Campaspe Shire Council. Any enquiries regarding infringements issued by other organisations should be directed to the organisation mentioned on your infringement notice.
You will be notified in writing of the outcome of the internal review.
If you have not received a written response and you would like to check that your application for internal review has been received please feel free to contact our Local Laws Unit on 1300 666 535.