Road management plan

Road management plan

Council's Road Management Plan(PDF, 4MB) sets the standards for the maintenance and upgrading of public roads and road assets, like footpaths and drains, in the municipality. 

The plan outlines how Council will routinely inspect and maintain local roads. It includes technical information about:

  • how various road defects or hazards will be addressed
  • how long it should take to repair them, once they’ve been identified
  • Council’s plans to manage the road network, within budget.

The aim is to ensure the community gets a well-maintained road system that offers good value while addressing social, safety, environmental and transport network concerns.  

Register of public roads

Under the Road Management Act, Council must keep a Register of Public Roads, showing the roads it’s responsible for. Council and other authorities responsible for roads in Campaspe, such as Regional Roads Victoria (formerly VicRoads), will have separate registers. 

By searching our Register for public roads(PDF, 2MB) you should be able to determine if a particular road in Campaspe is Council’s responsibility and therefore your first point of contact regarding that road.

The sorts of roads that aren’t Council responsibility include main roads and tracks through Crown Land. These are managed by other road authorities such as Regional Roads Victoria (formerly VicRoads) and the Department of Environment. Land, Water & Planning (DELWP).