Public registers

In line with public transparency principles, Council makes available a variety of information through our website to make them easily accessible to the community.

Campaign donation returns

The Chief Executive Officer must in accordance with Section 307(2) of the Local Government Act 2020 ensure that following a general election, a summary of each election campaign donation return given to them, is made available on the council's website.

If an election campaign donation return is given after the period specified, the Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a summary of the return is made available on the website.

The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a summary of an election campaign donation return is made available on the website until the close of the roll for the next general election.

The Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a copy of an election campaign donation return is available for inspection at Council offices during normal office hours for a period of four years from the date that it is given.

2020 Campaign Election Return(PDF, 419KB)

Personal interests return

The Chief Executive Officer must prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed in the last personal interests return lodged by Councillors, members of a delegated committee and nominated members of Council staff.

The summary must include:

  • the town or suburb, but not the street address or number of the land that is the place of residence of a person as disclosed in the return;
  • the matters prescribed by the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020. 

The Chief Executive Officer must publish the summary of personal interests on its website and make it available for inspection at Council offices. 

Personal Interests Returns - CEO and nominated officers(PDF, 281KB)

Personal Interests Returns - Councillors(PDF, 173KB)

Register of gifts, benefits and hospitality


Access to Council’s register of gifts, benefits and hospitality offered to Council staff (with names removed) is facilitated by inspection at its offices in accordance with Policy 179 – Public Transparency. To arrange to inspect the register, please contact our customer service team.


Register of gifts, benefits and hospitality(PDF, 422KB)(Councillors)