Future Campaspe: Community Vision 2040 & Council Plan 2025-2029

Ongoing consultation

You can shape the future of Campaspe

Council is starting an extensive community consultation program, where you can provide your feedback about what you think Council needs to focus on and prioritise.

Your feedback will guide Council’s future actions.



About this project

Following the election of our new Council in November 2024, it’s time to ask the community again what it aspires to and what are the issues that Council must address with and for its communities.

The feedback provided will enable Council to set clear strategic directions and support the alignment of services and assets to best meet the ongoing needs of our communities.

The result of all the hard work will be four key documents that will guide all future Council plans and actions:

  • Community Vision
  • Four-year Council Plan
  • Long-Term Financial Plan
  • Long-Term Asset Plan 


Citizens panel

As part of our community consultation, we are forming a Citizens Panel of forty people who represent the diverse voices of our community. These panel members will be chosen through a democratic lottery.

At the beginning of February 8,000 invitations will be sent to randomly selected addresses. If you receive an invitation, consider it your golden ticket to have your say! We want to hear your ideas on how to make Campaspe an even better place to live, work, study, and play. 

This panel will follow an established democratic process used all over the world. It brings together a group of people selected by lottery, who broadly represent the entire community. The people who attend will learn about the issues and then discuss them with one another. They will then make recommendations about what should happen and how things should change

The Citizens Panel will take place from 21-23 March in Echuca. We encourage people of all ages, abilities, genders, and cultural backgrounds to get involved.

If you don’t receive an invite, we still want to hear from you! There will be other opportunities to be involved, both online and in person.


Have your say!

In the coming months, there will be multiple opportunities and ways for you to have your say, both online and in person.

An online survey will open on 10 February. Hard copies will also be available from our Customer Service Centres & Libraries.

Stay tuned to this page for regular updates.

Our committment to you

In progressing this project, we have committed to:

  • Listen to you
  • Document and record what you say
  • Report back on what we have heard
  • Encourage participation
  • Be transparent
  • Work with you to deliver results

What you can influence:

  • Priorities regarding services, programs and infrastructure
  • How to address community priorities
  • When it has to happen

What you can't influence: 

  • Legislative and legal requirements
  • Projects already funded
  • Decisions associated with Council’s administration (eg. staff employment or remuneration)


Key Dates

Monday, 3 February: Citizens Panel registrations open.

Monday, 24 February:Citizens Panel registrations close.

Friday-Sunday, 21-23 March: Citizens Panel takes place.