Councillor allowances & expenses

Mayors and councillors are entitled to receive an allowance while performing their duty as an elected official. The Victorian Government sets the upper and lower levels for allowances paid to councillors. There are three categories of councils based upon physical size, budget and population. Campaspe is in Category 2 for Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Councillor allowances. 

An important reform of the Local Government Act 2020 was the transfer of responsibilities in determining mayoral and councillor allowances to the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal (the Remuneration Tribunal).

Under the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 (Vic) (VIRTIPS Act), the Remuneration Tribunal is required to make Determinations setting the values of the allowances, including allowance categories, payable to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors.

Click here to view the current allowances payable to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors determined by the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal.

Reimbursement of expenses

The Local Government Act 2020 provides that Council must reimburse Councillors for out-of-pocket expenses which have been incurred in the performance of their role as Councillor.

Expenses can be claimed in respect of:

  • Travel
  • Accommodation and Meals
  • Child and Family Care
  • Registration Fees

In addition, Council is committed to supporting Councillors to effectively undertake their duties by providing appropriate resources.

The Councillor Expenditure Policy(PDF, 9MB) provides the necessary governance around claiming expenses.