Customer service charter
Council has adopted a customer service charter outlining its commitment to customers.
The charter describes the experience you can expect from Campaspe Shire Council. It outlines Council's service standards, commitment to customers and our expectations of our management and staff.
Download the Customer Service Charter(PDF, 255KB).
When you contact Council
We will:
- Greet you courteously and identify ourselves by name
- Try to resolve your enquiry or respond to your request at the first point of contact, and if appropriate, provide you with a service request number for your reference
- Provide you with the name of the department dealing with your enquiry, if further action is required
- Convey your details when transferring a call, so you don’t need to repeat information
- Register your email, fax or letter on Council’s document management system.
Our communication
We will:
- Treat all our customers with respect and listen to their concerns or enquiries
- Provide all letters, brochures, messages and other notices in plain English
- Provide information which is concise and accurate
- Provide access to interpreting and telephone typewriter services, if required.
Service standards
Our service targets are to:
- Acknowledge correspondence received by mail or email within ten full working days
- Respond to telephone messages within two full working days
Helping us to help you
When contacting Council it is helpful if you:
- Tell us who you are and if you represent a client or an organisation
- Have relevant information available, such as an invoice number, service request number, and name and address
- Treat Council staff with respect, honesty and courtesy so we can deliver the best possible service for you.
If you are not satisfied?
If you are not satisfied with any part of your dealings with Council or its staff, Council has a complaints procedure.
Complaints should be forwarded in writing (which can be in the form of an email), and identified as a complaint. You should include your full name, contact details, your concern, how you wish to have the matter addressed, and include relevant documents or further details.
Council will acknowledge your complaint within ten days and advise the process to be followed.
More information about our complaints process is available at webpage Customer complaints.
If you are still not satisfied?
You can raise the matter with the Office of the Ombudsman, which is independent of Council. The Ombudsman’s office can be contacted on 1800 806 314, or at their website.