

Council maintains a road network of more than 4,000 kilometres, including:

  • 1,147 kms of sealed roads
  • 2,440 kms of gravel roads
  • 551 kms of earth roads.

Council makes a significant investment in repairing and upgrading roads to ensure they are safe for the community to use.

All sealed roads in the municipality are inspected every year. Earth roads are inspected every two years. An annual maintenance work schedule is then developed. Repair works include:

  • sealing
  • line marking
  • grading
  • weeding
  • patching
  • slashing
  • shoulder repairs
  • spraying
  • sign replacement
  • tree trimming. 

Grading works generally aren’t done in summer due to dry soil conditions.

If you see a road in need of repair, please lodge a service request:

  • Online at link
  • By calling Council on 1300 666 535
  • In person at one of our customer service centres


Council maintains 64 bridges, as part of its road network. Bridges are regularly assessed for structural capacity. Some bridges have a load limit applied, due to their poor condition.

Bridges undergo routine maintenance as outlined in the Road Management Plan. 

Gravel road resheeting

Every year, a program for resheeting gravel roads in Campaspe with crushed rock is developed.

Each road is prioritised, according to traffic volume, the type of traffic the road carries and other factors such as the number of homes along the road.

Every two years, Campaspe’s entire 2,400 kms of gravel roads are inspected and assessed. Those roads requiring resheeting are then prioritised, using the same method as mentioned above.

Rural road numbering

Rural road numbers are based on the distance of the entrance to a property from the start of a road. Rural road numbers replace the old RMB and RSD road numbering system.

To request a rural road number, please lodge a service request online through this link.