A detailed and up to date understanding of Campaspe Shire and its community is vital information for businesses and other organisations. In this section, you will find:
- general information about Campaspe
- the community profile
- the community atlas
- future projections for Campaspe
- economic modelling.
General information about Campaspe
Estimated population: 37,463 (2017)
Land area: 4,519 km2
Climate: Dry summers and mild winters
Key employment areas: Manufacturing, agriculture, retail, education and training, health care and social assistance.
Community profile
The community profile allows you to analyse the population characteristics of the whole shire, or community, and understand changes over time.
It includes data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing in 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 and 1991 for the local government area and communities. The data is presented in easy to use tables, charts and commentary covering a wide range of Census questions.
The profile answers most frequently asked socio-demographic questions and helps Council, the community, business and investors to better understand the community.
Visit Council's Community Profile website.
Community atlas
The community atlas includes key socio-demographic characteristics presented as interactive maps.
Based on data from the 2016 Census of Population and Housing (Australian Bureau of Statistics), each map is prepared using Census Collector Districts providing the finest level of detail to help identify spatial patterns and trends in the shire.
Visit Council's Community Atlas webpage.
Population forecasts
The population forecasts outline what drives population change and forecasts how population, age structure and household types will change across Campaspe Shire from 2006 to 2031.
This data is presented in easy to use tables, charts and commentary and is designed to help Council, the community, business and investors to be better informed about our future population.
Visit Council's Community Forecast website.
Economic modelling
Campaspe Shire Council uses a regional economic modelling program called REMPLAN to model the flow on effects of investment and job creation. REMPLAN can produce a number of different impact reports showing the flow on effects generated across industries in terms of
- output
- employment
- wages and salaries
- value-added
- gross regional product
- tourism
- workforce
- gap analysis.
Visit Council's Economic Profile website.
Business, industry and government have found REMPLAN modelling particularly useful for grant applications, construction projects and submissions.
Visit Council's REMPLAN website
If you would like to discuss a project you would like modelled, contact Council's Economic Development team on 1300 666 535, or 5481 2200.