Council meetings & dates
Any member of the public is welcome to come to Council meetings.
There are a number of ways you can participate in, or learn more about, Council meetings:
- attending a Council meeting
- reading agendas and minutes
- requesting to speak to an agenda item at a meeting
- asking a question at a meeting
- viewing live streaming of Council meetings.
Council meetings are held on Tuesdays at 6pm (see below for list of 2025 dates). They are held at the Echuca Civic Centre, Heygarth Street, Echuca unless otherwise advised.
Council may, by resolution at any ordinary or special meeting, change the day and time that an ordinary meeting is held.
Council's Governance Rules(PDF, 3MB) and Councillor Code of Conduct(PDF, 762KB) provide further information.
Meeting dates
Meeting dates for 2025 are as follows:
18 February
18 March
15 April
20 May
17 June
15 July
19 August
23 September
21 October
18 November
9 December