Business assistance grants

Business funding support

Applications are currently closed. Council will readvertise when the next round of funding for the Business Assistance Grants is open.


Funding categories and eligibility

Funding categories

1. New Investment  - Existing and new businesses.

2. Innovation, Diversification, Sustainability and Efficiency - Initiatives that enhance efficiency, sustainability or introduce diversification or innovation.

3. Activation - Supports initiatives that increase activation of a business or enhance the precinct/local area.


To be eligible for Business Assistance Grants, applicants must:

· Be a registered business (ABN) with a presence in Campaspe Shire.

· Comply with all Council permit requirements and guidelines.

· Use and acquit all funds within twelve months of approval. 



Assessment will be based on the following:

1. Merits of proposal and how it aligns with the category(ies).

- attach your business plan if available

2. Budget and Quotes

- is the applicant contributing funds?

- is there flow on economic impacts in terms of procurement?

- quotes attached for proposal

3. Employment

- Does the proposal have the potential to generate employment?

Applications should be completed and submitted in accordance with the guidelines set out on this web page.

Applications must be submitted by the closing date.  

Applications will be assessed against the criteria outlined in each category. 

All applications will be subjected to an initial acceptance check for compliance before being considered further.  Applicants will be advised if their application cannot be accepted and why. Provided the application is subsequently amended as required and resubmitted in time, it will be reassessed. Applicants are wholly responsible in this regard. 

All applications will be assessed by staff (individuals or groups), appointed by the Chief Executive Officer for each specific program. 

Applications that meet the relevant criteria will be presented to Council together with recommendations from the administration about approvals/refusals; amounts; and conditions.

If a group indicates that Council's grant will go towards money from other sources, the group will need to provide evidence that they have this money. If the group cannot provide this evidence, the grant will only be provided on a pro rata basis.

Any unspent part of the financial assistance grant must be returned to Council by the end of the financial year in which it was given, unless prior written approval to carry it forward is obtained from the Chief Executive Officer.


Council will readvertise when the next round of funding for the Business Assistance Grants is open.



Steps to acquit your grant

When your project is completed, you will need to acquit your grant through this online form.

Online acquittal form
















Help and advice 

Applicants should contact Bobbi Aitken, Community Executive Assistant, 5481 2206, in the first instance when considering their Business Assistance application.

If you’re starting a new business, expanding or diversifying your business, or just need some information or advice, please contact Astrid O’Farrell, Economic Development Manager on 5481 2200.

Council's policy, Assistance for business(PDF, 2MB) , outlines the details of this funding program.