Request to speak at a meeting
Members of the public can address Council at a Council Meeting by requesting to make a submission. The submission can be provided in writing or by speaking at the Council Meeting.
Submissions can include information or opinions for the purposes of being heard by Council in relation to a proposed decision or item on a Council Meeting agenda.
Submissions can only be provided by a person who is, or by persons who are, directly affected by a decision of Council.
The procedures and timeframe requirements will be determined by the nature of the submission and the method of presentation to Council.
If you would like to make a submission at an upcoming Council Meeting (either in writing or by speaking at a Council Meeting), please lodge your request before 12 noon on the day before that Meeting, to allow time to consider your request and make any necessary arrangements.
To request to make a submission, please use this Online Form or for further assistance, contact Council by phone 1300 666 535 or email [email protected].
Please refer to Council’s Governance Rules for further information.