Draft Economic Development And Tourism Strategy opens for feedback
Published on 05 June 2024
At last night’s meeting of Campaspe Shire Council, the draft Campaspe Economic Development and Tourism Strategy (CEDTS) was released for public comment. The strategy has been in development for over a year with extensive community engagement conducted throughout 2023 and 2024.
Campaspe Shire Mayor, Cr Rob Amos thanked the community and industry stakeholders who have provided valuable insights in the preparation of the strategy.
“Council has cast the net far and wide seeking input from the community and industries in a range of ways and have had over 500 submissions which have informed this strategy.
“It has been great to see so many voices articulate their views to help shape the shire’s economic development and tourism future.
“This is a comprehensive culmination of over a year’s worth of consultation and engagement, so we want to ensure the loop is closed, and provide a final opportunity for community to have their say before the strategy is finalised,” said the mayor.
The draft CEDTS is available for public review and feedback for a three-week period. Community members are encouraged to provide their input, which will be incorporated into the final report. The final version of the strategy will be presented to the Council for consideration in July 2024.
Council has allocated $150,000 in its 2024-25 budget which was adopted at the same meeting, to implement the CEDTS projects, with additional funding supporting related initiatives.
Residents can review the draft strategy on the Council’s website and submit feedback via the online form, in person or via phoning Council’s Customer Service Team.
The draft Campaspe Economic Development and Tourism Strategy 2024-29 is open for comment until 5pm, Wednesday, 26 June.
For more information and to read the report, click here.