What Council does before emergencies

Emergency agencies resources and apps

To prepare for various emergencies we work closely with the community and other agencies (such as the CFA, Department of Environment, Land, Water Planning, Department of Health and Human Services).

We are continuously improving our Municipal Emergency Management Plan. This is the key document that we operate under.

Key areas of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan include:


We are always looking for ways to engage with and educate the community. We do this in collaboration with other emergency service agencies and the community, with the aim of encouraging residents to develop a plan and to connect with their community. 


Roadside slashing and fuel management

Our Bushfire Mitigation Works program is in place to reduce the fuel loads along Council roadsides and on Council property.

Extensive mapping and survey work is carried out to determine focus areas.

We work with other land owners (private and government) to achieve the best outcomes for our community.