Murray-Darling Basin Plan Community Reference Group
Council has invited representatives of business, agriculture, tourism and other industries as well as the wider community to consider lodging an expression of interest to join the new Murray-Darling Basin Plan Community Reference Group (MDBP CRG). Expressions of interest for the group have now closed and Council will contact applicants shortly.
The group is being established in response to the Australian Government’s recently enacted Water Amendment (Restoring our Rivers) Act 2023 and revised Murray-Darling Basin Plan implementation, which will see the reintroduction of water buybacks by the Commonwealth from irrigation farmers.
Council campaigned strongly in 2023 against water buybacks based on our community’s previous experience and independent research which predicts buybacks will continue to cause negative significant socio-economic impacts on northern Victorian communities.
What is the purpose of the MDBP CRG?
The purpose of the community reference group is to provide firsthand insights, information, advice and recommendations in relation to the social, economic, environmental and cultural impacts on Campaspe communities of the Australian Government’s voluntary water purchase programs (water buybacks), and advise of preferred methods of community adjustment assistance.
We want to ensure Campaspe’s communities are adequately compensated for any socio-economic losses and fully supported in the transition so they can continue to thrive and prosper into the long-term future.
How often will the MDBP CRG meet?
The MDBP CRG engagement process is expected start in April 2024 and take three to four months to complete. People who wish to be on the group need to be able to commit to attending regular meetings and participating in discussions and activities during this time.
Most of the meetings will be online.
Want more information?
Call Council on 1300 666 535.