Job skills grants


This grant program is open to Campaspe Shire residents aged 16 to 25 years old to assist them in completing short courses and qualifications. The grants have been made available through the State Government Office of the Youth’s Engage! funding.

Applications are open until the end of the year.

How much can I apply for?

A maximum of up to $250. This grant aims to remove barriers for young people trying to secure 'job ready' qualifications and could be put towards course cost, tuition costs, transport costs and other roadblocks they may face. Qualifications that could attract this funding include barista, RSA, white card, first aid, food handler, food safety supervisor, lifeguard training, etc. This does NOT include funding for university courses. 

How do I apply?

Applications are online.

Apply online here

Hints to completing your application:

  • Save your progress
  • Some fields are required and must be completed
  • Once submitted, you will receive a copy of your application, via the email address provided.
  • Applications are assessed at the end of each month and our team will be notify applicants of the outcome.

Read terms and conditions here(PDF, 175KB)

Further information 

If you would like further information, or have questions about your application, please contact Council's Youth Community Development Officer.

Phone: 1300 666 535

Email: [email protected]