Change of details
Any changes to your contact details or personal details must be provided to Council in writing.
To assist you, please complete this form Change-of-address-or-ratepayer-details.pdf(PDF, 145KB)
Change name
If your name has changed from Council's records, please provide us with supporting documentation of the change, such as a marriage certificate, or birth certificate, etc.
Change of tenant
If your rates are addressed to a tenant who is no longer responsible for paying the rates, please notify Council in writing with details, including:
- Property address
- Current tenant and mailing address
- New tenant and mailing address, and
- Contact phone number
Change of ownership
When ownership of a property changes, liability for the payment of rates and charges remains with the owner recorded in Council records, until Council receives a Notice of Acquisition / Disposition from the vendor, solicitor or conveyancer. Failure to submit a notice within one month of a transfer may result in substantial penalties to vendors.