Community events sponsorship

The Events Sponsorship program offers financial support to not for profit community organisations, groups and associations to operate events that contribute to the municipality and support Council's vision.

We are strong, supportive, vibrant and sustainable. 

Applications are open year round, but must be submitted three months prior to the planned event.

Due to the Local Government Elections, grants submitted after July will be assessed in November 2024. 

To ensure equity, organisations are only able to submit one application per financial year.


This Sponsorship Program aims to:

  • support not for profit community groups provide a range of opportunities for residents;
  • facilitate support for initiatives that strengthen the community through opportunities for participation, development, inclusion and sustainability;
  • foster support across a range of pursuits and interest areas including health and welfare, community support, arts and culture, sports and recreation, youth, ageing, environment, access and equity;
  • provide an equitable opportunity for groups to seek funding assistance from Council.

Assistance, which may comprise in kind support, a cash contribution, or a combination of both, may be made available to community organisations and groups in order to stage events and activities for the benefit of the local community. 

Council expects defined and measurable outcomes to be obtained in exchange for such sponsorship. 

The provision of in kind support involves a direct cost for the community and Council, either by the provision of additional support/service over that usually available to the community, or an opportunity cost – ie the diversion of support/resources away from normal business towards the sponsorship.

Therefore, the value of Council’s sponsorship can readily be ascribed a Total Cash Equivalent (TCE) for the purposes of a sponsorship.

Sponsorship funds are not to be passed on to third parties as payments, fees, gifts, or prizes etc. 

Funding principles

Priority will be given to applications that respond to identified community needs and align with Council’s Vision, corporate objectives, priorities and strategies. 

The Sponsorship Program will prioritise support when the applicant: 

  • is based in and/or they can evidence that their services are focused and delivered within the municipal boundaries;
  • has limited means to access other sources of funding;
  • has sought funding/in-kind support from other sources, where the applicant is deemed to be in a position to do so;
  • is not already in receipt of substantial funding/in-kind support from council;
  • is providing a proposed activity that is innovative or unique for the Shire;

And, the proposed event/activity: 

How much can I apply for?

This funding stream has two categories: 

Local community event

A maximum cash contribution of $1,000 and negotiated in kind contribution to a maximum of $5,000.

Regional community events

Maximum cash contribution of $5,000, plus negotiated in kind support.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must be an:

  • incorporated not for profit group,
  • a Crown Committee of Management, or
  • a Government Department on behalf of a community group

 or have their application submitted by an appropriate auspicing body, which meets the above criteria.

Note: Organisations that have licensed gaming/gambling facilities or derive funds from gambling are ineligible to apply.

To ensure equity, organisations are only able to submit one application per financial year.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate: 

  • direct benefits to the residents of the Campaspe Shire;
  • financial viability and competence;
  • adequate public liability insurance and appropriate health and safety policies in accordance with the funding agreement;
  • a contribution in the form of funds, services and/or in kind support;
  • that they are based in the shire or deliver significant services to the shire’s community;
  • their ability to plan effectively and be well organised;
  • that they have no outstanding grant acquittals or outstanding debts owing to Council. 

What will be considered for funding

To encourage and assist the development and implementation of community/social events that: 

  • are innovative, creative and inclusive celebrations of community;
  • demonstrate partnerships with other local groups and individuals, particularly developing new links;
  • reduce the isolation of individuals and groups within a community; and
  • strengthen and develop community skills ie leadership, performing skills, event management. 

A community/social event will typically have:

  • social benefit
  • relevance to the local community
  • limited opportunities to raise an operational budget
  • local/shire based marketing
  • reliance on local participation/attendance
  • minimal economic impact on the community .

What will not be considered for funding

The following will not be considered for funding:

  • Applications from a group with any outstanding grant acquittals or debts owed to Council;
  • Applications for retrospective funding;
  • Applications for events that are held outside of Campaspe Shire;
  • Recurrent or ongoing salaries and on-costs;
  • Insurance, such as (but not limited to) public liability;
  • Applications for prizes, wages;
  • Hire of commercial venues;
  • Applications applying to another Council funding stream for the same activity. 

Special conditions

Profits from events where funding from Council has been received must not be used by recipients to make subsequent grants, sponsorships or donations to other individuals or organisations, without the prior approval of Council. 

Applicants are expected to develop an event plan, including risk assessments, as part of a well-managed event. Please refer to our events planning webpage.

How are applications assessed?

Applications will be reviewed to ensure they are eligible for consideration, such as quotations provided, incorporation current and, if an auspiced application, that the auspice body has completed the authorisation.

Applications are assessed by a panel, appointed by the Chief Executive Officer, and will use the following assessment matrix. 

Criteria Description
Community / social benefit 

High involvement of community members.

Enrichment of the shire.

Brings visitors to the shire.

Partnerships  Contribution by group or others to the project either cash and / or in-kind, including project partnership participation (not just financial contribution).
Council Plan alignment  Addresses strategies within the Council Plan or Place Based Plans.
Project sustainability If planned to be ongoing, demonstrates ability to self-generate funds for future years.
Economic benefit  Increase spending to retail, industry and accommodation, enhancement of economic base, or funds spent locally.

The grant panel will develop recommendations for funding. These recommendations will be presented to Council for consideration. 

Funding decisions will then be communicated to applicants. 

Apply online

Once you have read the conditions of this funding program, applications must be made online. Applications are open throughout the year, subject to availability of funds.

Applications are currently closed until after the 2024 Local Government Elections on 26 October.

Hints to completing your application:

  • Save your progress
  • Reduce the size of documents uploaded
  • Some fields are 'required' and must be completed

How to acquit your grant

Once your event has been held, please complete your final report and submit.

Online final report


Help and advice

Applicants should contact Council's Community Grants Officer on 5481 2200, in the first instance while planning their community grant application.

Hear from other successful applicants