Responsive grants program
Through the Responsive Grants Program, Council provides the opportunity for community groups to apply for small grants to achieve their goals and ambitions.
Due to the Local Government Elections, grants submitted after July will be assessed in November 2024.
Online application form
Hints to completing your application:
- Save your progress
- Reduce the size of documents uploaded
- Some fields are 'required' and must be completed
How much can I apply for?
Applications can be for a maximum of $1,000.
Council has allocated a total of $10,000 to support this grant program in 2023/24. Once funding has been fully allocated, no further applications will be approved.
Who can apply?
Any not for profit group, school or community group providing services within Campaspe Shire can apply. Applicants must fulfil the conditions and acquittal requirements of any previous grants.
If your group has an outstanding overdue final report and financial acquittal from any other Council grant program, you are ineligible to apply for funding from this program.
Groups can only receive one Responsive Grant per financial year.
What can the grant be used for?
Community groups can apply for a grant to assist with the provision of a service, program or activity used by, or for the benefit of Campaspe Shire residents.
How do I apply?
Applications must be submitted online, with applications open all year round.
What is the assessment criteria?
The following criteria will be used to assess applications:
- Does the proposed activity/event/project support the delivery of one or more of the Council Plan strategic goals?
- Does the proposed activity/event/project benefit Campaspe Shire residents?
- Has the applicant demonstrated they are contributing to the activity/event/project, either in cash or in-kind?
- A current bank account in the name of the group.
- Has the applicant demonstrated the funds are required at short notice, or can they wait for the Community Grants program, offered in two rounds each year?
- Can the project be funded under any other Council grant program?
How are applications assessed?
Grant applications are checked for eligibility by a panel and approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
Applications will be noted at the next Council meeting.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome following approval by the Chief Executive Officer, within 30 days of application.
What will not be funded?
The following applications will not be funded:
- Core staff costs
- Events outside Campaspe Shire
- Activities or events that promote specific political or religious views
- Activities that are contrary to a Council decision or policy
- Celebrations for individuals
- Infrastructure building projects
- Retrospective projects
- Seed funding for events
- Events where the primary goal is fundraising
- Applications which have already received funding in the same financial year through another Council grant program, or are eligible for Federal or State Government funding.
What happens if my application is approved?
The project or event must be completed within the same financial year as the funds are granted.
Successful applicants will need to provide evidence of expenditure by 30 June of the financial year in which the funding was received. This could be in the form of a letter, a photo, a newspaper article.
No project variations will be considered. All funds must be returned if your project scope changes.
Successful applicants under this funding program will not be able to apply for additional funding for the same project or event from other Council funding streams, ie community grants program.
Grant recipients will not be eligible for future funding until an acquittal for the previous activity has been submitted.
Recipients should acknowledge the contribution by Council where possible and appropriate.
Need further information?
Applicants should contact Council's Community Grants Officer on 5481 2200, in the first instance while planning their community grant application.